Apply for a grant

Education Excellence Grant Application

Please submit applications to by February 19, 2024


Your Project Title

I. Applicant Description

A. Please provide approximately a 1 paragraph summary of the applicant(s).
Suggested information includes:

1. Responsible person / primary contact
2. Community organization or associated educational institution
3. Relevant experience important to carry out the activities funded by grant

II. Proposal Summary

A. Please provide a general description of your grant application proposal.
B. Typical applications are 1-3 paragraphs and include:

1. Problem statement
2. Amount of funding requested
3. How funds will help maintain or improve educational activities within the Belmont and Redwood Shores area.
4. Proposals used to support or advance educational, mental, or physical wellness will be prioritized.


1) Expected grants will be between the range of $100-5000
2) Grant winners will be notified no later than March 31, 2024.
3) Grant recipients are asked to provide images of funding being put to requested purposes and to allow images to be used in Belmont Water Dog Run’s communication and promotional activities.