

Become a sponsor and support your community

2023 Sponsors

City of Belmont

Belmont Police Department

Belmont Parks and Rec

Stanford University

Catalyst Labs

Grupo Flor

Parden Agency Farmers Insurance

Janet Pepe Davis Hometown Realty

Hassett ACE Hardware

Windy Hill

Crystal Springs Uplands Schools

Warren Lieberman for Mayor

IHOP Belmont

Regis Homes

San Mateo Country Association of Realtors

Belmont & Redwood Shores Recology

Mid Peninsula Water District

Davina Hurt

Belmont Redwood Shores Rotary

Corner Yogurt

Joyce and Tatum

Longfellow Real Estate Partners

Biro and Sons

Carlmont Village Shopping Center

McGovern Insurance

Jacklyn Kurth Orthodontics

Charles Stone


Chamber San Mateo County

Belmont Chamber of Commerce


April Northrup for BRSSD


Notre Dame De Namur University

Gina Latimerlo

Lunardi's Market

Joe Polyak, Realtor Homes by Rise

Peninsula Clean Energy

Baskin Robbins

Mayor Julia Mates

Ultima Replenisher

Mountain Mike's Pizza - Belmont

Hobee's Restaurant

Rise Above Performance

Suvarna Bhopale for SUHSD

UPS Store at Carlmont

Previous Sponsors

Adele Della Santina

April Northrup

Ashton Belmont: Regis Homes/Sares Regis Group

Autobahn Motors 

Baskin Robbins at Carlmont Shopping Center

Bel Mateo Motel

Bella Nails

Belmont Chamber of Commerce

Belmont Library

Belmont Police Department 

Carlmont Village Shopping Center

Charles Stone

Christine Beard Realtor

City of Belmont

Crystal Springs Uplands School

Davina Hurt

Doug Kim



Farmers Insurance – The Parden Agency

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 

Hassett ACE Hardware


Janet Pepe Davis: Hometown Realty

Joyce & Tatum Real Estate Team

Julia Mates

KMAJ LLC, dba:F45


Lunardi’s Market

McGovern Insurance

Merry Moppett and Belmont Oaks Academy 

Mid Pen Water District

Mountain Mikes Pizza

Notre Dame de Namur University 

Ocho Candy

Orange Theory Fitness

Peninsula Clean Energy

Pet Food Express


Recology San Mateo County

Rise Above Strength

Rotary Club Belmont Redwood Shores

Row House Belmont 

San Mateo County Sheriffs Department

San Mateo Daily Journal 

Sequoia Village

Silverado Belmont Hills 

Speck Products 

The Pilot

United Studios of Self Defense: Belmont 


Warren and Gracie Lieberman

Waterdog Tavern

Windy Hill Property Ventures

Contact Us

Got a question? Need some help? Get in touch by sending us an email at info@belmontwaterdogrun.com, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Looking forward to hearing from you!